After training, you want to focus on replenishing your depleted glycogen levels with some good carbohydrates and helping your muscles recover and repair with some quality protein. It is recommended to try and do this within a 30 minute window of your training session, which is why I love the ease of smoothies!

This recipe also has the added benefits of high antioxidants from the cherries and Cacao (chocolate), which are fantastic for reducing inflammation post exercise.I used  vanilla protein powder in this recipe, however, you could use chocolate for an even more chocolatey taste, or alternatively, opt for just a collagen powder, which is unflavoured, but will deliver the protein. Collagen is also amazing for skin, hair and nail growth! When using protein powders, I recommend sticking to the brands that use natural and unprocessed/refined ingredients. I also recommend using whole foods as your first point of call for your daily protein requirements.

Eating quality, wholefood nutrients after exercise can help your body to recover better and in turn perform better.



  • 2 cups of milk of choice (I used Nutty Bruce Coconut Milk as a dairy free alternative, however, any milk of choice will work for this recipe)

  • 3/4 cup frozen cherries (Available At Bunbury Farmers Market)

  • 1 scoop/Tbsp Flavoured Protein Powder or Collagen (I use Prana Protein - available at Go Vita Bunbury) OR Collagen Powder (I like Nutra Organics Collagen - available at Holistic Lifestyler clinic in Bunbury CBD)

  • 1 Tbsp Cacao Powder (Health Food Aisle of Woolworths or Coles)

  • 5-8 drops Liquid Stevia OR alternatively sweeten with 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup or Raw Honey


  1. Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend for 10-20 seconds or until smooth.

  2. Serve in a shaker or a glass with ice.

  3. Enjoy!

Danae Cornford